Weight | 0.1 kg |
Dimensions | 25 × 20 × 1 cm |
Size | CH ,G ,M ,XL |
Colour | Yellow ,Navy blue ,White ,Candy ,Cherry ,Copper ,Golden ,Gray ,Purple ,Mustard ,Orange ,Black ,Silver ,Red ,Mexican Rose ,pastel pink ,light tobacco ,dark tobacco ,Turquoise ,pastel turquoise ,emerald green ,Lime green |
Phrase | I am my own cause, I generate all the good that I want here and now, only good is real ,Hoponopono I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you ,Only honest and loving people are aware of me and mine ,Money comes to me from various sources here and now ,Here and now abundance, awareness and eternity ,My health is perfect here, now and always ,Faith enlarges, hope sustains, humility ennobles, perseverance tempers, reason guides, forgiveness strengthens, love dignifies. ,I breathe the life, love and power of the universe ,I love and approve of myself as I am ,I live in harmony and balance with all the beings I know ,He who looks outside dreams, who looks inside wakes up ,I allow myself to dream big ,I value what I have, overcome what hurts, and fight for what I want ,I appreciate and appreciate what I have today and open the door to tomorrow's abundance ,Elijo ser feliz… Fluyo hacia donde la vida me lleve, abrazo los cambios, agradezco lo que el cielo me ofrece, valoro a los seres que amo, asumo los retos del presente confiando en mi evolución. ,Everything good follows me, finds me and stays with me. ,I keep calm, control my emotions and choose not to feel fear, I trust my ability to face all the challenges that make me grow and I do not lose faith. Thank you thank you thank you. ,Me diste la vida y entregaste tu amor, velaste mis sueños y modelaste mi corazón, escuchaste mis dudas y tu consejo me hizo mejor, hoy lucho y trabajo y tú nombre me da valor, gracias mamá por tu amor… ,Live, enjoy, love, enjoy, forgive, laugh, learn, remember, feel, dream, try, experience, know, admire, play, imagine, do. ,Nothing changes except my attitude, that's why everything changes ,Your time is now, to dream high ,I release what weighs, I love what I have and I appreciate what comes ,I have everything to be happy. I live in the moment and I enjoy it. Today I am better than yesterday. I am strong because I choose to be. I achieve what I set out to do. I say what I think and ask for what I need. I do what I want not just what I have to ,El tiempo no nos permite olvidar pero si soltar y seguir…..déjalo ir! ,Estoy en proceso…Hay cosas que aprender y hay cosas que reprogramar. Hay cosas que soy y no quiero ser. Hay cosas que aún no soy y quiero serlo. Hay cosas que soy y aún no sé, pero estoy buscando saber. Estoy en construcción, pero he estado en demolición. ,And when I became totally and absolutely responsible for myself, when I didn't put my expectations on others, or burden anyone with my needs, when I felt free to BE and didn't listen to other voices but my own... I was happy. I recommend it ,Yo no persigo, yo atraigo. Lo que es para mi me encuentra. |
Wrist measurement in cms x 3 = XS 46 cm, CH 51 cm, M 53 cm, G 56 cm and XG 60 cm.